Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Quick Potty Training Facts:  
That cloth diapers encourage babies to potty train faster than disposables, because with disposable diapers, the babies seldom feel any wetness or discomfort. One potty learning recommendation is to show your child where their waste goes by flushing it down the toilet, you'll already be doing this with cloth!

The perfect age to begin potty training is different for every child. Your child's best starting age could be anywhere from eighteen to thirty-two months. Pre-potty training preparation can begin when a child is as young as ten months.
And Finally:  More than 80 percent of children experience setbacks in toilet training. This means that what we call "setbacks" are really just the usual path to mastery of toileting.

So to all my mom's out there trying hard to potty train, Keep up the good work - it will pay off in the end! :)

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