Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We are super excited to be carrying Bummis cloth diapers and other products!  We are devoting February to Bummis!  We will be FULLY STOCKED in Bummis products this month including their Starter Kits, Super Snaps, Whisper Wraps, Organic Cotton Prefolds, Newborn Starter Kits and MUCH MORE!  Bummis will be reinventing their EasyFit Diapers and coming out with a lot more this year, so we can't wait to bring you the latest news and fashions from one of Canada's greatest pioneers in diapering!  We hope to be coming out with blog articles and more to celebrate these great products.  Enjoy and Happy Cloth Diapering!

Visit our facebook page: for more exciting things going on this month at Nature Bumz Co.!